Wednesday 18 October 2017

What is c++ language and who developed it full in hindi and Urdu

                                   INTRODUCTION   TO  “C”  LANGUAGE

1.       Introduction to ‘C++’ language used to write the program and execute them.
2.       C language is known as middle level language
3.       C programming language developed at AT&T’s Bell laboratories in USA in 1972. It was written by   “Dennis Retchic’’
4.       It’s necessary to c learn ‘’c’’ before learning C++ ,java #C  
5.       C language use compiler
6.       There are so many compiler available for ‘’C’’
7.       E.g. Borderland's compiler.

     “C” Tokens
When we  a paragraph in any language the individual word and punctuation mark are called tokens
In c language tokens can be defined as small units keywords identifiers. Constants.

Example token
Keyword ‘do’ while,if,etc
Special symbol
Operation +,-,\,* etc

Constants is an entity which doesn’t changes during executions of program
Types of constant
A integer constants.

B floating point constants
12.1, 314, etc

Variable in “C”
Variable in entity which changes during execution program

DATA Types
‘int’ use to store integer value only no decimal points are allowed its takes 2 bytes of memory
Range: -32768 to 32767
Char use to store single character only it occupies 1 byte of memory
Range: -128 to 127

ACSII(American standard information interchange)
It’s a one byte code ACSII number represents on unique character.
ACSII number of a character is use to represents a character in binary.

“float” use to store float pointer it occupies 4 byte of memory
Rage: 3.4e-38 to 3.4e38

More types of data
Data types is mainly used to allocate the memory when we declare variable of any valid data type then computer allocates fixed size of memory.
To modify default behaious of data type in memory allocation “C” provide following type modifiers keywords
Its default modifier for “int” and “float” data type.
Its can be used with 

                                                 How to close c++
                                             how to copy c++

                                               how run c++ ?

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