Thursday 1 June 2017

How Does the internet work?

How Does The Intetnet Work?
The international network known as the internet consist of hundered of thousands of smaller network linking educational,commercial,nonprofit,and millitary organnization,as wll as individuals. Central to this aarangment is the client/server network. A client computer is a cimputer reuesting data or server. A server or host computer is a central computer supplying data or services requested of it. When the client computer request for example, for information on various airline flight and prices—get to a server computer that conputer send the information back to the client computer.
Internet connection: POPs,Naps,Backbone & intetnet2
Your journey onto the internet the case of dial up with your client computer modem connecting via a local phone call to your internet services provider (ISP).This the slowest part of the internet connection. An ISP's headquaters and network server may be located almost anywhere.
To avoid making its customers pay long distance charges connect the isp provides each customers with point of presence a local access point to the intetnet—a collection of modems and other equipment in a local area. The pop acts as a local gateway to the ISP's network.
(NAPs) Network Access Point
The ISP in turn connect to a network access point Nap a routing computrr at intetnet where server connenction comes togther.NAPs are owned by a network service provider (NAPs) a large communication company such as AGIS or MCI. the four orginal NAPs in the united states are in san francisco,washington,D,C., Chicago and new jersey. These Naps were established in 1993.when the orginal network that become the internet privatized.
Much of the internet congestion occurs at NAPs the four main NAPs quickly become overload so private/peer Naps called PNAPs facilitate more efficient routing (passing) of data back and forth on the internet by providing more backbone access locations.PNAPs are provided by commercial companies such as savis communication.
Each Naps has largest one computer,whose task in simply to direct internet traffic from one NAP to the next. NAPS are connected by the equivalent of interslate highlyways. Know collectively as the internet backbone high speed high–capacity transmission lines that use the newest communication technology to transmit data across the internet. Backbone connections are supplied by internet backbone providers such as AT&T cable & wiress, GTE, sprint,Teleglobe,verzon,and Deutsche Telekom.

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