Thursday 25 May 2017

Operating System

The operating system: what it does

Ø  Booting
Ø  C.P.U management
Ø  Task management
Ø  Security management

what is the Boot process?

The work of the operating system beings as soon as you turn on or "Boot"
the computer Boooting is the process of loading an opereting system 
into a computer's main memory the loading is acomplished  automatically  by program 
stored permentaly in the computers electronics circurity (called read only memory )
or R om when you  turn on the machine program called diagnostic routines test main 
memory in the central processing unit and other part of the system to make sure they.


when you power up a computer by turning on the power on switch this is called
a cold boot. your computer is already on and restart it this is called warm boot
or a warm start.
until recently computer users have had to endure up to three minutes of waiting while they waited
for the machine to boot up.

C.P.U Management 

how does c.p.u management work?

The centeral components of the operating system is the supervisor.
like a police officer directing traffic. the supervisor or kernel manges the cpu
the central process unit. its remains to memory (main memory or primary strage)
while the computer is running and direct other nonresident program that are
not in memory to perform task that support application program.

Memory Management

The operating system also mange memory keeps track of the location within main memory
where the program and data are stored it can swap portions of data and program between
main memory and secondary storage such as your computer's hard disk as also called virtual memory
this capacity allows a computer to hold only most immediately needed data and program
within main memory: yet it has ready access to program and data on the hard disk.

Task Management

What does the purpose of task management?

A computer is required to perform many different task at once multitasking in word process.
it accept input data stores the data on a disk and prints out a documents seemingly simultaneously 
most desktop and laptop operating system are single user system that can handle more than on program
at the same time word processing spreadsheet database searcher. Each program  displayed 
in a seprate window on the screen other operating system (multi user systems can accommodate
the needs of several different users at the same tim

Security Management  

how does the OS help keep my computer secure?

operating system allow user to control access to their computer an especially important matter
when several people share a computer or the same computer network

user gain access in the same manner as accessing their email via a user name (user id )
and a password 

if you are using computer at work you may give yourself a password. when you first boot up a new personal
computer , the OS will prompt you to choose a user name and password. then every time
after that when you boot up your computer you will be prompted to type in your user name
and password some OS even allows you to protect individual flies with separate access password.

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